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OFF-TECH Grain-Fill Suction Conveying Machines

The vibrating table is used for compacting concrete cubes and pavers.

Salient Features

● Precise design.

● Reasonable price.

● Very Low maintenance .


This set up can manufacture the Vibration Pavers of various design with high accuracy and super finished surface. This machine produces 2400-3000 Paver Blocks within 8-hour shift.


It is designed to carry a load of 150 kg. This is consisting of Just a motor fitted with a variable pulley mounted in a cabinet.

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Seeking for something new?

Our OFF-TECH Grain Fill Suction Conveying Machines and integrated systems can very well be attached to your existing or latest OFF-TECH conveying solutions we offer. Prospect buyers may share their suitable date and time for speaking with our technical expert team to discuss about latest and changing trends in OFF-TECH technology for loose Grain Conveying and Handling.


As its Running Cost is very low and movability on 3 pneumatic wheels with front wheel on swivel makes it quite efficient and useful. OFF-TECH’s variant capacities ranges from 25 TPS to 400 TPS makes it useful for all its segments such as farmers, food processing houses, food processing industries and units, warehouses and grain mandi traders. These sectors can run almost all types of Grains, Pulses & Granules like Barley, Corn, Wheat, Beans……. etc.

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